Redmond’s Westside Park renovation is expected to be complete this Fall

Renovations are focused on increasing recreational space while also preserving “woodsy” aesthetic.

Construction on Redmond’s Westside Park is well under way as the renovation project is expected to be complete by Fall 2021.

The preferred concept for Westside Park was selected in March 2020 and began construction in May 2021. Community input collected by the city reflected a desire for nature play, walking loops, a picnic shelter and both a sport court and pickleball.

Recreation features in the park before construction included a small playground, open ball field, half basketball court, and open space. According to the city, the park’s current condition provides limited recreational opportunities due to poor drainage and outdated or inadequate play equipment.

Elements proposed to be in the newly renovated park by the community include:

-Improvements to the open lawn play space with drainage to accommodate activity throughout the year. The play lawn will be bordered by a paved loop path, making the entire site accessible year-round.

-Replacing and enhancing the playground, adding more play features, and moving to a central location in the park.

-Replacing the sports courts, pickleball and basketball court or multi-purpose court, and ensuring properly draining playing surfaces.

-Adding a picnic shelter and zip line if budget allows.

Keeping the “woodsy” aesthetic and feel of the park was also outlined as a priority based on community feedback. The renovation plan includes protecting existing trees, expanding natural areas and planting path-side gardens and ornamental trees.

Ohno-Touchdown JV was awarded the construction contract at the April 20, 2021 City Council Meeting.