{"id":28942,"date":"2020-03-30T06:00:00","date_gmt":"2020-03-30T13:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.redmond-reporter.com\/marketplace\/find-beauty-right-in-your-garden-this-spring\/"},"modified":"2020-03-31T12:16:09","modified_gmt":"2020-03-31T19:16:09","slug":"find-beauty-right-in-your-garden-this-spring","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.redmond-reporter.com\/marketplace\/find-beauty-right-in-your-garden-this-spring\/","title":{"rendered":"Find beauty right in your garden this spring!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Now is a perfect time to get in your garden by yourself or with your loved ones and dig in the dirt, soak up the sun, pull those weeds and prepare it for the warmer, summer months ahead.<\/p>\n

Whether your gardening goals for 2020 include a lush, green lawn, flower beds that pop with color and contrast against dark soil, potted plants that give your neighbors porch envy, or growing your own vegetables in a raised bed garden and saving that trip to the store, Cedar Grove has the soils to match the goals.<\/p>\n

One of the best ways to prepare your plants and lawn for the growing season is to use compost, says Karen Dawson, with Cedar Grove <\/a>in Everett.<\/p>\n

“Using compost to top dress your lawn and mulch your garden beds in the springtime ensures nutrient-rich soil for ideal growing conditions. Cedar Grove compost is a 100-percent recycled product and goes to work for the earth and your garden,” she says.<\/p>\n